Primary CCA Clubs
- Art & Craft
- Cooking
- Gymrobics & Board Games
- Captain’s Ball
- Drama/Public Speaking
Secondary CCA Clubs
- Music
- Drama
- Futsal
- St. John Ambulance
- Boys Brigade
- Media
- Netball
- Badminton
- Cooking
- Science Savy Squad
- Art
Optional CCA Clubs (After-school)
- Debate
- Byteseeker
- Basketball Female
*The availability of clubs is subject to change based on students' interests and needs, as well as teachers' expertise.
Throughout the academic year, students have opportunities to apply these teachings across various leadership roles, including house leaders, prefects, sports representatives, club presidents, librarians, class monitors, and more. Through MAD Projects, our students actively engage in community initiatives with orphanages, nursing homes, refugee schools, community centres, and more.
As part of Leaderonomics, SJIS has had the privilege of hosting the Johor LEAD Convention for three consecutive years, welcoming student leaders from many schools all over Malaysia. Additionally, our students have travelled to different cities such as Kedah and Sabah to participate in and assist with their LEAD Conventions.
“The main thing I learned at the Kedah LEAD Convention is how to inspire people and work as a team because without my teammates, I don't think I could have done the presentation well. As a facilitator, I made a lot of new friends from many different states like Kedah, Penang, and Kuala Lumpur. Although I was the facilitator, I also learned something from them too. During the planning session, I found that they had many ideas for their M.A.D. Project, and this was their first time hearing about and planning this project. Additionally, I was able to improve my language skills because I needed to get to know them well and blend in; I needed to speak Malay. So, after leading the convention, my Malay has improved a lot.” - Le Canny, Year 11
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